So TSH went from below 0.05 -> 0.17 -> 3.81 -> 3.28
Free T4 went from 1.3 -> 0.7 -> 0.6 -> 0.7
Free T3 went from 5.2 to 2.5 -> 2.4 -> 2.8
So my thyroid hormones went back up a hair after the 9-day hiatus and a switch to PTU. I just decided to take 50 mg just once a day because my hormones look so close to swinging hypo. A little exercise, now that nursing clinicals have ended (mostly), should help boost the metabolism.
The reason I fight going hypothyroid is that doing so can exacerbate the eyes.
I just saw my regular practitioner today and she was kind enough to give me my labs. The endo's office hangs onto them until Himself can dictate a letter to me.
In January my liver function tests were quite abnormal--which the endo never bothered to tell me. Now they are fine—probably because I am no longer on the prednisone, which really did make me feel bloated and ill. It can make LFTs look funny. My creatinine was also off kilter, which the endo never mentioned. I knew it, though, and was hoping it was just a fluke.
It looks as though I am going to have to assert myself with this endocrinologist, who seems to guard information and also seems too busy to really read my chart before seeing me. Since his clinic collects $300 for each visit, I'll have to make him work harder.
Twice now, he has recommended RAI—the radioactive iodine procedure that essentially kills the thyroid off (and creates a slightly higher cancer risk). It's a pretty backward practice, which only Americans seem to prefer. everyone else in the world does what I am doing, with drugs to reestablish a euthyroid state.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Visit to the eye doctor, labs

I just visited the ophthalmologist today, and he said things are fair to middling: corneas not too dry, proptosis steady at 22 mm. for each eye, intraocular pressure "okay,"double vision no worse than before, and most importantly, vision and optic nerves good. I asked him about seeing slightly less red in one eye. He said that it should not be concerning unless it is a definite bleaching out of the color red in the central--not peripheral--vision field. I don't think the difference is striking enough to pursue, since I am not sure if it is new or something I always had.
I go back in June for a check, with visual field testing, as I had last time. The doctor hopes that by October my disease will have burnt itself out and the swelling will have subsided. He holds out little hope for resolution of the proptosis (eye bulge) but nobody thinks my eyes look any bulgier than they always were, so no big deal. I hate the swelling the most, since it makes me look old and tired.
I keep forgetting to tell him and my endocrinologist about my theory of having had euthyroid GO in 1993-94. Doubt it matters.
I am cutting back on PTU and hoping for the best, since even 10 mg of Tapazole had me on the verge of hypothyroidism--my free T3 and free T4 had been on the threshold of going under normal limits. Who knows where they are now, after the med holiday and switch. Labs drwan tomorrow, and maybe I can pry the values out of the endo's nurse this week.
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