Monday, June 2, 2008

Augh—feeling hit by a truck

Okay—maybe that's a bit melodramatic. But as before, when the thyroid was running high, every finger joint as well as the knees and back are in terrible pain.

Arthralgia is not uncommon with hyperthyroidism. All I can say personally is that my own pain would flare from time to time over 4 years, then really got bad as the hyperthyroidism accelerated. After beginning to take antithyroid drugs, it went away completely—until this week. I can't believe how poleaxed by it I feel, especially the back pain.


kelly said...

Are your finger and knee joints swollen?

I had a terrible, extremely ichy rash on my hands and my fingers would actually swell but now that I am on the PTU it's gone. I hope it doesn't come back!

Are you going to get your blood work done again soon? Good luck with everything and I hope this phase passes soon.

etaoin shrdlu said...

Thanks, Kelly!

No, no actual swelling and no rash, just stiff, sore joints. Once my TSH was in the 1–2 zone, the finger joint pain crept back now and again, but now it's all over the place.

I had no joint pain at all from January to April. I had forgotten how bad it was.

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Wisconsin, United States
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