Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Antibodies, paternalism, and feeling good again

Call me a control freak (you wouldn't be far off), but I want to know my damn labs! They were taken a week ago and I have heard nothing. Nothing. Last time, it took 2 weeks and a dictated letter from the endocrinologist. That's nice that he wants to put his spin on things, but I know how to interpret my own labs, thank you. I will have to ask to be copied next time.

And yes, I called my clinic after hours and tried to wheedle the values out of the RN on call, but she would not do it.

On the other hand, after months of poopiness, I have felt like a million bucks for the past two days. Amazing! I can concentrate on a task for more than a few seconds again! And yet another reason why I want to know my labs—I don't want to plunge into hypothyroidism—for one thing, it can make the eyes worse. The last semester of nursing classes start next week, too, and I need to be on my game for that.

I see the endo in a few weeks and will ask him to humor me and just have the raw labs made available to me.

Then there are antibodies. Just browsing this weekend I was reminded that people who lack TPO (the peroxidase antibodies) but have high levels of TSH stimulating antibodies (me, that is) have a higher than usual instance of eye problems. I need to find ways to lower the antibodies a.s.a.p. Diet and stress reduction seem a good place to start.

Almost done with the prednisone. It does not seem to help lid puffiness, nor does it decrease the diplopia, but it does curb the aching eyes.

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Wisconsin, United States
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